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How You Can Tell Indica and Sativa Apart

If you have been using weed and you have no idea which kind you use, it may be time to know what you are using. Many may be surprised to hear that there are different kinds of weed. However, it is not a lie. in fact, the various types of weed also have different effects, and they may taste, look and smell different too. Here are some of the ways in which you can tell the different between the two types of weed--Indica, and Sativa.

The Effects The first method to use to tell the difference between Sativa and Indica is the effects they have on the body. Both the plants have THC and CBD oil. However, their effects are stunningly different. For one, Sativa is mostly used during the day, and it can help you become more excited and hyper, it will give you hallucinations too if that is something you like then that is what you need to be taking. However, if you are a more chilled out person, then Indica is right for you. It helps to calm you down, and it can even help enhance your sleep.

The Leaves and branches Differ If you look at the leaves, you will also realize that Sativa has narrow leaves, while the counterpart has leaves that appear to be broad. As for the branches, those of Sativa are loose, while Indica has dense branch formation.

They Have a Height Difference When you look at Indica and sativa, you will always realize that their height differ. The best time to note the difference is when the plants are fully mature. You will notice that sativa strains are usually taller than Indica. A sativa plant can grow into a really tall plant, and that is why they cannot be grown indoors. Most sativa strains are grown outdoors because they can grow up to 20ft. On the other hand, the Indica strain is shorter. It can be grown indoors comfortably because it only occupies a small space.

The Flavors Differ When you taste Indica and sativa, you will realize that they taste differently. The two strains come in different flavors. The most classic flavors for Indica are sweet flavors such as blueberry while sativa has an earthy kind of flavor that can be described as pine flavor.

If you are looking to know which sort of weed you should take or even the advantages, you can do more research on Quantum 9, which will enable you to learn a lot more.

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